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Sup Game Box – 400 games in 1 – Retro Console

La Sup Game Box è una console portatile bootleg ispirata al design del Game Boy. Non è un prodotto ufficiale di Nintendo, ma un Famiclone venduto online da numerosi rivenditori con il nome “Game Boy”. Il marchio “Sup” trae origine dal logo del noto brand di abbigliamento Supreme, anche se esistono varianti prive di questo branding per mercati diversi. Sebbene il produttore ufficiale sia sconosciuto, si ritiene che possa essere realizzata da Touch Game Player.

Design e Varianti

La Sup Game Box riprende l’estetica e il layout di pulsanti delle console FC Console Famiclone, ma con una schermata di selezione dei giochi unica. Esistono numerose varianti della console prodotte da diversi produttori, che differiscono per:

  • Musica e lingua nel menu di selezione.
  • Dimensioni dello schermo.
  • Lista di giochi inclusi.

La variante più comune include un set di “400 in 1” giochi, composto da 313 titoli unici e 87 duplicati. Gran parte dei giochi sono versioni modificate o titoli semplici sviluppati da Nice Code Software, un prolifico sviluppatore di software plug & play.

Versioni Internazionali

  • Versione araba: Ha un’interfaccia in arabo anziché cinese, ma alcuni giochi della versione originale non funzionano su questa variante.
  • Versione spagnola: Lanciata nel 2023, offre 500 giochi nella sua libreria.
  • Versione “Classic Arcade” (Stati Uniti): Introdotta nel 2022 da Merkury Innovations, questa variante rimuove i giochi relativi a Mario, ma mantiene molti titoli non ufficiali. Una versione ridotta, “200 in 1”, è stata rilasciata nel 2023, con ulteriori eliminazioni di contenuti protetti da copyright.

Funzionalità e Accessori

  • Connessione alla TV: Quasi tutte le varianti includono cavi A/V compositi per collegare la console al televisore.
  • Batteria ricaricabile: Utilizza una batteria compatibile con il modello Nokia BL-5C, che si carica in circa 2 ore e offre fino a 4 ore di gioco (o 6 con utilizzo moderato).
  • Controller aggiuntivo: Alcuni modelli includono un controller per il secondo giocatore, collegabile tramite una porta Micro USB o Mini USB. Tuttavia, i controller non utilizzano il protocollo USB standard e non sono compatibili con altri dispositivi.

Elenco dei giochi

Set originale
(Nota: un asterisco [] indica un gioco sviluppato da Nice Code Software.)*

List of games

Original set

(Note: an asterisk [*] indicates a Nice Code Software game.)

  1. Super Mario – Super Mario Bros. (European/PAL version ran in NTSC, resulting in overly fast gameplay and high-pitched sound)
  2. Mario 14 (Kaiketsu Yanchamaru 3: Taiketsu! Zouringen hack)
  3. Mario 3 (Japanese version of Super Mario Bros. 3, inventory select hack)
  4. Dr Mario (copyright text changed to say “BROUS” instead of “Nintendo”)
  5. Mario Bros (title screen hack with the name “MR MARY”)
  6. Turtles 1 (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
  7. Turtles 4 (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters)
  8. Contra 1 (features 12-in-1 weapon select menu)
  9. Contra FORC (Contra Force)
  10. Contra 7 – Super Contra 7. Unauthorized Contra game developed by Waixing, a prolific developer of unlicensed Famicom games and since the 2000s, plug and play games for various platforms.
  11. KAGE (Kage)
  12. JACKAL (Jackal)
  13. Rush ‘n Attack
  14. ADVENTURE ISLANDAD (Adventure Island)
  15. ADVEN ISLAND 2 (Adventure Island II)
  16. Chip and Dale (Japanese version)
  17. Chip & Dale 3 (Heavy Barrel hack)
  19. Snow Bros
  20. MITSUME (Mitsume ga Tooru)
  21. Ninja Gaiden 2
  22. Double Dragon 2
  23. Double Dragon 3
  24. HOT HIGH SCHOOL (Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari)
  25. HOT WRESTLE (Nekketsu Kakutō Densetsu)
  26. Robocop
  27. MORTAL KOMBAT 4 – Mapper and title hack of Mortal Kombat 3, an unlicensed Mortal Kombat game developed by Hummer Team.
  28. Spiderman*
  29. 10 YARD FIGHT
  30. 90 TANK (Battle City hack)
  31. KAGE LEGEND (Legend of Kage)
  32. Aladdin 3 (Magic Carpet 1001 hack)
  33. Antarctic Adven (Antarctic Adventure)
  34. ARABIAN (Super Arabian)
  35. Balloon Fight
  36. BASE BALL (Baseball)
  37. Binary Land
  39. Bomber Man
  40. Bomb Sweeper (homebrew title by Snowbro)
  41. Brush Roller – Make Trax/Crush Roller clone developed by Hwang Shinwei.
  42. Burger Time
  43. Chack and Pop
  44. Chess
  45. Circus Charlie
  46. Clu Clu Land
  47. Combat
  48. Defender
  49. Devil World
  50. Dig Dug 1 (Dig Dug)
  51. Donkey Kong 1
  52. Donkey Kong 2 (directs to Donkey Kong Jr)
  53. Donkey Kong 3
  54. Donkey Kong Jr
  55. Door Door
  56. Excite Bike
  57. Exerion (broken background, been replaced by 0’s)
  58. F1 Race
  59. Formation Z
  60. Front LIne
  61. Galaga
  62. Galaxian
  63. Golf
  64. Raid A Bungelinghy
  65. Hyper Olympic (kind of broken?)
  66. Hyper Sports (kind of broken?)
  67. Ice Climber
  68. Joust
  69. Karateka
  70. Lode Runner
  71. Lunar Ball
  72. Macross
  73. Magic Jewelry
  74. Mahjong 4P (4 Nin Uchi Mahjong)
  75. Mahjong 2P (Mahjong)
  76. Mappy
  77. Milk N Nuts
  78. Millipede
  79. Musice (Tag Team M.U.S.C.L.E)
  80. Naitou
  81. Nibbles
  82. Ninja 1 (Ninja-Kun)
  83. Ninja 3 (Ninja Hattori-Kun)
  84. Road Fighter
  85. Othello (Bit Corp.)
  86. Pacman (NAMCO)
  87. Pin Ball
  88. Pooyan
  89. Popeye
  90. Sky Destroyer
  91. Space ET (Space Invaders)
  92. Star Force (Japanese version)
  93. Star Gate
  94. Tennis
  95. Urban Champion
  96. Warpman
  97. Yie Ar Kung Fu
  98. Zippy Race
  99. Warehouse Boy (Box World)
  100. 1942
  101. Arkanoid
  102. Astro Robo Sasa
  103. B Wings
  104. Badmington
  105. Baltron
  106. Bokosuka Wars
  107. Bomb Jack
  108. Porter
  109. Chubby Cherub
  110. Destroy (Wrecking Crew hack)
  111. Dig Dug 2
  112. Dough Boy
  113. Dragon
  114. Druaga
  115. Duck – Unlicensed game originally developed and released in 1987 by Bit Corp. Rendered unplayable.
  116. Elevator Action
  117. Exed Exes
  118. Flappy
  119. Fruit Pig
  120. Galg
  121. Geimos
  122. Gyrodine
  123. Hexa (hack?)
  124. Ice Hockey
  125. Lot Lot
  126. Magmax
  127. Pika Chu* (Poke Tetris; version where Pikachu has a hat and pants)
  128. Ninja 2 (Ninja Jajamaru-kun)
  129. Qbake
  130. Onyanko Town
  131. Pac Land
  132. Pachi Com
  133. Pro Wrestling
  134. Pyramid (Sachen)
  135. Route-16 (Route-16 Moto hack)
  136. Seicross
  137. Slalom
  138. Soccer
  139. Sonson
  140. Spartan X
  141. Spelunker
  142. Spy Vs Spy
  143. Sqoon
  144. Star Luster
  145. Tetris 2 (Tengen Tetris)
  146. Thexder
  147. Volguard II
  148. Volley Ball
  149. Wars
  150. Xevious
  151. Chinese Chess (Micro Genius)
  152. Challeng
  153. Mach Rider
  154. Argus
  155. Goonies
  156. Super Chinese (Japanese version of Kung Fu Heroes)
  157. Twin Bee
  158. Star Soldier
  159. Track Field
  160. Friday The 13 (Friday the 13th)
  161. Arkistas Ring
  162. Aso
  163. Alpha Mission
  164. Bowling
  165. Flipull
  166. Back to Future (Back to the Future)
  167. Gradius
  168. Hokuto No Ken
  169. King Knight
  170. Kickey Mouse (Mickey Mouse)
  171. New Man
  172. Paperboy
  173. Power Soccer
  174. Quarth
  175. Solomon
  176. Sky Hunter
  177. Tiger Heli
  178. Transformers
  179. Wisdom
  180. Moai-Kun
  181. Castle Excellents
  182. Bump N Jump
  183. Angry Bird* – Angry Birds. Notable for being released without Nice Code’s permission on the Chinese speaking internet on August 2012.
  184. Aquarium*
  185. Arena*
  186. Air Alert*
  187. Awful Rushing*
  188. Aimless*
  189. Burbles*
  190. Burrow Explorer*
  191. Bugs War*
  192. Bomb King*
  193. Baseball New*
  194. Bubble*
  195. Cabbonade* – Cannonade, a generic variant of an officially licensed plug & play port of the Intellivision game Astrosmash developed by Nice Code for Techno Source Play Power systems in 2003.
  196. Close Quarters*
  197. Coast Guard*
  198. Cub Adventure*
  199. Depth Bomb*
  200. Devildom Doom*
  201. Diamond*
  202. Dune War*
  203. Firebase*
  204. First Defender*
  205. Five Days*
  206. Frantic Mouse*
  207. Fruit Dish*
  208. Gallagant*
  209. Garden War*
  210. Gate*
  211. Hallihoo*
  212. Hexapod New* – Clone of Buzz Bombers.
  213. Hexapod War*
  214. Labyrinth*
  215. Lunarian*
  216. Mad Xmas*
  217. Motoboat*
  218. Panzer Attack*
  219. Penta Base*
  220. Pobble*
  221. Polar Bat*
  222. RuralGoblin*
  223. Robot*
  224. Season Garden*
  225. Shrew Mouse*
  226. Snowball*
  227. Star Fighter*
  228. Strafe*
  229. Small Dinosaur*
  230. Silent Hunter*
  231. The Archer*
  232. Twin Cards*
  233. Undersea Arena*
  234. Warrior*
  235. Abscondee*
  236. Aether Cruiser*
  237. Aim Cruise*
  238. Animal Contest*
  239. Blocks World*
  240. Bug Catcher*
  241. Busy Bar*
  242. Candy Workshop*
  243. Contest*
  244. Cookie Labyrinthc*
  245. Crystal Blast*
  246. Deformable*
  247. Dejiectile*
  248. Egg Contest*
  249. Escapeway*
  250. Fairs Treasure*
  251. Falling Blocks*
  252. Fated Pirate*
  253. Final Blood*
  254. Fish Story*
  255. Fling Ball*
  256. Forest Adventuref* – Nature Clan: Forest Adventure.
  257. Fruit Gift*
  258. Ghost Castle*
  259. Golden Bird*
  260. Greeds*
  261. Hammer N Nail* – Hammer and Nail.
  262. Happy Match*
  263. Ice Ocean*
  264. IQ Champion* – Variant of an officially licensed plug & play port of the Intellivision game Buzz Bombers developed by Nice Code for Techno Source Play Power systems in 2003.
  265. Island* – Nature Clan: Island.
  266. Jump Jump*
  267. Jumping Kid*
  268. Lightning*
  269. Little Witch*
  270. Magic Egg*
  271. Man In Red*
  272. Meccano*
  273. Mirroe* – Nature Clan: Mirror Devil World.
  274. Mouse Snare*
  275. Mouse Hero*
  276. Mowing*
  277. Nut Cracky*
  278. Crystal Ball*
  279. Police Dog Lasy*
  280. Police Vs Thief* – Police vs Thief – Violent Chasing.
  281. Pongpong*
  282. Power Robot*
  283. Pulveration*
  284. Rabbit Village*
  285. River Jump*
  286. Seaport Guarl*
  287. Seawolf*
  288. Space Base*
  289. Spiderman 2*
  290. Spiderman 1*
  291. Spring World*
  292. Star*
  293. Submarine*
  294. Throughman*
  295. Toy Factory*
  296. Utmost Warfare*
  297. Vigilant*
  298. War Zone*
  299. Water Pipe*
  300. Wild Worm*
  301. Wonder Ball*
  302. Lunation
  303. Climbing
  304. Seamaid
  305. Strong Pill
  306. Apple Chess
  307. Fishwar
  308. Puzzle
  309. Shot Put
  310. Orchard
  311. Move Box*
  312. Trooper
  313. Goblet Tower (unplayable)
  314. Super Mario (duplicate rom)
  315. Mario 14 (duplicate rom)
  316. Mario 3 (duplicate rom)
  317. Dr Mario (duplicate rom)
  318. Mario Bros (duplicate rom)
  319. Turtles 1 (duplicate rom)
  320. Turtles 4 (duplicate rom)
  321. Contra 1 (duplicate rom)
  322. Contra Forc (duplicate rom)
  323. Contra 7 (duplicate rom)
  324. Kage (duplicate rom)
  325. Jackal (duplicate rom)
  326. Rush’n Attack (duplicate rom)
  327. Adventure Islanda (duplicate rom)
  328. Adven Island 2 (duplicate rom)
  329. Chip Dale 1 (duplicate rom)
  330. Chip Dale 3 (duplicate rom)
  331. BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 (duplicate)
  332. Snow Bros (duplicate)
  333. MITSUME (duplicate)
  334. Ninja Gaiden 2 (duplicate)
  335. Double Dragon 2 (duplicate)
  336. Double Dragon 3 (duplicate)
  337. HOT HIGH SCHOOL (duplicate)
  338. HOT WRESTLE (duplicate)
  339. Robocop (duplicate)
  340. MORTAL KOMBAT 4 (duplicate)
  341. Spiderman (Nice Code, duplicate)
  342. 10 YARD FIGHT (duplicate)
  343. 90 TANK (Battle City hack, duplicate)
  344. KAGE LEGEND (duplicate)
  345. Aladdin 3 (Magic Carpet 1001 hack, duplicate)
  346. Antarctic Adven (Antarctic Adventure, duplicate)
  347. ARABIAN (duplicate)
  348. Balloon Fight (duplicate)
  349. BASE BALL (duplicate)
  350. Binary Land (duplicate)
  351. BIRD WEEK (duplicate)
  352. Bomber Man (duplicate)
  353. Bomb Sweeper (homebrew title by Snowbro, duplicate)
  354. Brush Roller (Make Trax/Crush Roller clone, duplicate)
  355. Burger Time (duplicate)
  356. Chack and Pop (duplicate)
  357. Chess (duplicate)
  358. Circus Charlie (duplicate)
  359. Clu Clu Land (duplicate)
  360. Combat (duplicate)
  361. Defender (duplicate)
  362. Devil World (duplicate)
  363. Dig Dug 1 (duplicate)
  364. Donkey Kong 1 (duplicate)
  365. Donkey Kong 2 (Directs to Donkey Kong Jr, duplicate)
  366. Donkey Kong 3 (duplicate)
  367. Donkey Kong Jr (duplicate)
  368. Door Door (duplicate)
  369. Excite Bike (duplicate)
  370. Exerion (duplicate)
  371. F1 Race (duplicate)
  372. Formation Z (duplicate)
  373. Front Line (duplicate)
  374. Galaga (duplicate)
  375. Galaxian (duplicate)
  376. Golf (dup)
  377. Raid A Bungelinghy (dup)
  378. Hyper Olympic (kind of broken? dup)
  379. Hyper Sports (kind of broken? dup)
  380. Ice Climber (dup)
  381. Joust (dup)
  382. Karateka (dup)
  383. Lode Runner (dup)
  384. Lunar Ball (dup)
  385. Macross (dup)
  386. Magic Jewelry (dup)
  387. Mahjong 4P (dup)
  388. Mahjong 2P (dup)
  389. Mappy (dup)
  390. Milk N Nuts (dup)
  391. Millipede (dup)
  392. Musice (dup)
  393. Naitou (dup)
  394. Nibbles (dup)
  395. Ninja 1 (dup)
  396. Ninja 3 (dup)
  397. Road Fighter (dup)
  398. Othello (dup)
  399. Pacman (NAMCO, dup)
  400. Pin Ball (dup)